Members, Partners and Friends,

SAMA executive leadership and I are committed to keeping you updated on the latest on the COVID-19/Coronavirus news.  Our purpose, which is our #1 priority, is the safety and health of our members, their families and our regional community where we work and live. Since my last update on Wednesday, more information has come in and include:

  1. SA has confirmed a “travel” related case, not a person-to-person case, in our city.  The individual and family are currently in self-quarantine –
  2. Mayor Nirenberg announced this morning, Fiesta is postponed to November
  3. SAMA’s April Fiesta Mixer is cancelled per Gardner Law Firm’s request
  4. Austin has recently reported two confirmed COVID-19 cases, neither case is believed to be community spread.
  5. SBA is looking to provide financial assistance to businesses affected by COVID-19 –
  6. South-West Texas Border Small Business Development Center Network (UTSA) has information on Small Business Emergency Preparedness
  7. Metropolitan Health is providing updates on the virus –
  8. US Representatives are set to vote on Coronavirus spending today –

SAMA would also like to reiterate the following to help your company educate, prevent and/or minimize the spread of the coronavirus (provided by ARMA and SAMA)

Determine supply chain disruption risks

  • Contact your key suppliers to learn of potential risks, particularly from parts made in Asia or Italy.
  • Request that suppliers are promptly and proactively communicating any future risks.
  • Begin to identify a plan B if necessary for supplying,  should your supply chain gets disrupted
  1. Reeducate employees on preventing virus spread
  • Even with the widespread influenza in Texas, it is a good time to provide wellness education through employee training and awareness campaigns
  • Review and refresh employment leave policies as appropriate.
  • Monitor travel advisories and take precautions accordingly.
  • Consider if your policies are encouraging sick employees to report to work or if there are social distancing options available for some activities.
  • Consider the risks of travel and potential use of technology to stay connected.
  1. Review and revise cleaning schedules for common areas
  • Confirm current state of facility cleaning schedules.
  • Consider increasing the availability of disinfection supplies.
  • Verify that your outside providers are prepared for potential increased demand.
  • Review job hazard assessments and timeliness of training activities.
  1. Work with local health professionals
  • Monitor the situation and seek guidance from local professionals as needed.  See additional resources below.
  1. Prompt communication
  • Proactive communication will reduce concerns and uncertainties in others.
  • Encourage good communication with employees.
  • Stand out as a supplier by proactively communicating to your customer what you are doing.
  • Seek current communication from your supply chain to understand potential obstacles.
  • Review current state of cross training employees on critical activities and communicate with your leadership team.

To keep abreast of the latest developments, here are some resources for you to use:

Lastly, during these times, it is important to stay calm and not panic.  Our family, friends and employees need to know this and we can do this by having open communications and transparency.  We hope this update is helpful.  Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns

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