American manufacturing and especially the continuing growing announcements in the South Texas corridors has not stopped with the pause that COVID-19 has caused.

In fact, in the American spirit, many manufacturers have stepped up, retooled, pivoted and pushed out PPE products within a remarkably short time frame.

Although our SAMA Trade Show and Conference was pushed to the 2021 date, the resilience to grow this event both in person and virtually is only stronger.

Many thanks to the sponsors and exhibitors that are committed to their space for 2021.

Enhancing your brand awareness and the showcasing of your capabilities will certainly bring a positive ROI.

If you have not considered this event and committed to a space, not is the time to do that.

Space will be limited as we review the social distancing guidelines.

Incorporating safe measures with hand sanitizers and acrylic shields are under consideration for exhibitor and attendee safety.

A virtual addition will widen the net to introduce your product, services and brand to a global audience.

Our goal for 2020 was 2000 impression – with the addition of your company, SAMA can reach 2000+1 for the 2021 target.

Best wishes, stay safe and well and stay Texas Strong as we look forward to a new Trade Show season that includes you as an exhibitor or attendee.

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